Price Packages - CB Wills Perth


Our Packages

What is the “Package“



Basic Package
  • Enduring Power of Guardianship (EPG)
  • Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA)
  • Standard Will



$490 each

Basic Package
  • Enduring Power of Guardianship (EPG)
  • Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA)
  • Standard Will


Why the “Package”

A Will by itself does not cater for the most common outcomes that can occur. If you were to have an accident (touch wood!), or lose your faculties in any way (maybe a motor vehicle accident, maybe old age dementia) and you are still living, your Will does not activate.

In these circumstances, you would need to rely on an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA) and Enduring Power of Guardianship (EPG)  so that your chosen Attorney (typically your spouse or close family member) can continue to manage your affairs in such a way that you want.

“ In fact, I don’t understand why all legal advisors do not insist upon it! ”

What is an EPA

An Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA) is able to go beyond a standard Power of Attorney. Unlike a PoA, an EPA remains valid after the donor loses legal capacity, for example due to dementia, stroke, being in a coma, Alzheimer’s Disease, mental illness, accident, trauma, or for other reasons.

Contrary to popular belief, if you become incapable of managing your own affairs, your spouse or close family member is not automatically entitled to act on your behalf – hence the importance of an EPA.

Act Before it’s Too Late. Like any important document, you should not wait until unforeseen circumstances force you to prepare your Powers of Attorney in haste. It should be prepared and signed while you are in good health and can take the time to make the right decisions.

Along with your Will, an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA) is one of the most important documents you can execute in planning for your future and the future of your loved ones.

What is an EPG

An Enduring Power of Guardianship (EPG) is a legal document that authorises a person of your choice, to make important personal, lifestyle and treatment decisions on your behalf should you ever become incapable of making such decisions yourself. This person is known as an enduring guardian.

An enduring guardian could be authorised to make decisions about things such as where you live, the support services you have access to and the treatment you receive.

An enduring guardian can not be authorised to make property or financial decisions on your behalf. For this, you would need an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA).